Lviv, Ukraine: The realities of life in Ukraine are a stark contrast to what on the surface appears to be a peaceful, beautiful country. Children riding bikes, seniors chatting in the shade of a park, and busy downtown streets seem to suggest a healthy, happy lifestyle. The truth reveals thousands displaced, a crippled medical system and communities struggling to care for family members returning from the East.
Canadian Knights of Columbus have many roots in Ukraine and have reached out in a significant way to make a tangible difference. In the span of a year the Knights h ave sponsored 1,500 brand new wheelchairs and other mobility devices throughout the country. 200 wheelchairs specially designed for more active users are destined for a Military Hospital in Kiev, to help young soldiers living with the consequences of the recent conflicts.
In May Ed Sawchuck, Past State Deputy of the BC/Yukon Knights of Columbus made the long journey to Lviv, Ukraine to help deliver brand new wheelchairs. Traveling to many cities, Ed found that his personal visit, demonstrating the caring and friendship of the Canadian Knights had a profound impact on the people whose lives they touched.
The Canadian Wheelchair Foundation is an independent Canadian registered charity with the goal to deliver brand new, free wheelchairs to persons with physical disabilities throughout the world who are without mobility or the means to acquire a wheelchair. With a strong focus on developing and newly industrialized states, the Canadian Wheelchair Foundation continues to change the lives of people and communities with a gift that extends hope, dignity, opportunity and independence to all.